Changing account representatives

Accounts in the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS)

Follow the steps below to change account representatives:

1)  An already nominated account representative initiates the change online in the Union Registry in the relevant account by clicking on the “Authorised Representatives” tab and using the “Add AR”, “Replace” or “Suspend” function keys. This creates a 7-digit request number. If an account holder has more than one account, the procedure has to be performed separately for each account. Changes to the role of an already nominated account representative are performed the same way (initiator and approver, initiator or approver or authorised representative - read only).

Account representatives may have the following roles:

Process Initiator only:  an authorised representative with the right to initiate processes for the account (transactions, trusted account list, changes made to accounts, nomination of verifier)

Process Approver only: an authorised representative with the right to approve processes that have already been initiated (transactions, trusted account list)

Process Initiator and Approver: an authorised representative with the right to initiate and approve processes.

Authorised Representative – Read Only: an authorised representative with no rights to initiate or approve processes, the access to the account is possible.


2)  A written request, duly signed by the account holder, has to be submitted, either by sending the original document by post or, if an electronic signature is used (in accordance with Annex I or III of Regulation (EU) No 910/2014), as an attachment to an email, supported by the following information:

  • Name of account holder
  • Account number
  • Account name
  • Description of the change: adding, replacing or suspending the account representative or changing the role of an already nominated account representative
  • Role of the account representative: 1. Process Initiator and Approver; 2. Process Initiator; 3. Process Approver 4. Authorised Representative – Read Only)
  • Provide the name and the URID of the account representative
  • 7-digit request number

For sample letters to request the changes, click on the following links:

Sample letter to request to add an account representative

Sample letter to request to remove an account representative

Sample letter to request to replace an account representative

Sample letter to request to change the role of an account representative

The Austrian Emissions Trading Registry will be happy to provide you with a pre-filled form once the changes in the Union Registry have been requested.

3)  If a new account representative is nominated by using the “Add AR” or “Replace” key, the following documents have to be provided for the new nominee:

  • Proof of identity (notarised copy of a valid passport, identity card or of a document that is accepted as a personal identification document under the national law of the national administrator)
  • Evidence to support the address of the permanent residence of the nominee (confirmation of residence registration: either the original or an electronic document carrying the official signature or a copy certified by a notary public). If the main residence is in Austria and the data is available in the central residence register it is not necessary to submit a proof.
  • Criminal record certificate for the last 5 years (either the original or an electronic document carrying the official signature or a true copy certified by a notary public)

The issue date of the documents and the date of the certification of the notarised copy of the valid passport or valid identity card must not be more than three months prior to the date of application. In the case of proof of identity without an expiry date, documents that were issued more than 10 years ago cannot be accepted.

Certifications have to be carried out by a notary public or another person with a similar function (for example a court).

The original documents (or the notarised copies) have to be sent to the Austrian Emissions Trading Registry by post; electronic documents with official signatures as well as documents for which the certification note is made by means of an electronic notarial certification signature have to be sent by e-mail.

Note: Regulation (EU) 2019/1122 stipulates that criminal record certificates may no longer be retained by the Austrian Emissions Trading Registry. This means that any criminal record that has ever been submitted will be physically deleted from the archives/files of the Austrian Emissions Trading Registry on an ongoing basis from January 2021 onwards, and only a few details of updated criminal record certificates that are relevant to account management will be documented.

Accounts in the Kyoto Protocol Registry (KP Registry)

Follow the steps below to change account representatives or additional account representatives:

1)  An already nominated account representative initiates the change online in the Union Registry in the relevant account by clicking on the “Authorised Representatives” or “Additional Authorised Representatives” tab and using the “Add AR”, “Replace” or “Suspend” function keys. This creates a 7-digit request number. If an account holder has more than one account, the procedure has to be performed separately for each account.

2)  A written request, duly signed by the account holder, has to be submitted, either by sending the original document by post or, if an electronic signature is used (in accordance with Annex I or III of Regulation (EU) No 910/2014), as an attachment to an email, supported by the following information:

  • Name of account holder
  • Account number
  • Account name
  • Description of the change: adding, replacing or suspending the account representative or additional account representative
  • Provide the name and the URID of the account representative
  • 7-digit request number


For a sample letter to request the changes, click on the following link:

Sample letter to request changes to account representatives

The Austrian Emissions Trading Registry will be happy to provide you with a pre-filled form once the changes in the Union Registry have been requested.

3)  If a new account representative or an additional account representative is nominated by using the “Add AR” or “Replace” key, the following documents have to be provided for the new nominee:

  • Proof of identity (notarised copy of a valid passport or identity card)
  • Evidence to support the address of the permanent residence of the nominee (confirmation of residence registration: either the original or an electronic document carrying the official signature or a copy certified by a notary public). If the main residence is in Austria and the data is available in the central residence register it is not necessary to submit a proof.
  • Criminal record certificate for the last 5 years (either the original or an electronic document carrying the official signature or a true copy certified by a notary public)
  • Evidence to support that the account representative is the holder of an open bank account in a member state of the EEA or Switzerland (applies only to person holding accounts, trading accounts and former operator holding accounts).

The issue date of the documents and the date of the certification of the notarised copy of the valid passport or valid identity card must not be more than three months prior to the date of application. In the case of proof of identity without an expiry date, documents that were issued more than 10 years ago cannot be accepted.

Certifications have to be carried out by a notary public or another person with a similar function (for example a court).

The original documents (or the notarised copies) have to be sent to the Austrian Emissions Trading Registry by post; electronic documents with official signatures as well as documents for which the certification note is made by means of an electronic notarial certification signature have to be sent by e-mail.